Press Release
14 August 2023

Photo: Alexander Nuñez, the honest employee of Cauayan Airport

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) is pleased to commend and acknowledge once again the outstanding honesty and integrity demonstrated by Mr. Alexander Nuñez, a valued employee of the Maintenance Section at CAAP Cauayan Airport.

On 13 August, at approximately 10:55 AM, Mr. Nuñez discovered a peach-colored wallet atop a luggage cart at the airport’s vehicle parking area. With a strong sense of duty and integrity, Mr. Nunez promptly turned over the discovered wallet to the Lost and Found Section of the Cauayan Airport’s CAAP Security and Intelligence Service (CSIS). Upon inspection of the wallet’s contents, it was discovered that it contains a substantial amount of 78,595.00 Philippine pesos along with assorted US dollar notes.

It was not long after the discovery of the lost wallet when its owner, a certain Ms. de la Cruz, approached the CSIS Office in search of her misplaced wallet. After verification, the CSIS successfully returned the lost item to its owner on the same day.

This recent event is not the first time Mr. Nuñez has displayed such remarkable integrity as he was previously recognized by the CAAP Management for his honesty when he returned another lost and found item back in July. His consistent actions reflect a pattern of behavior that goes above and beyond the call of duty, setting a shining example for his colleagues and the community at large.

“We salute Mr. Nuñez for his incredible acts of honesty! My hope is for his acts to inspire the rest of the CAAP community,” said Director General Captain Manuel Antonio Tamayo.

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines takes immense pride in employees like Mr. Alexander Nuñez, who uphold the principles of honesty and integrity that are essential to maintaining a strong and trustworthy aviation environment. It is through such individuals that CAAP continues to foster a culture of excellence and integrity.