• Provides overall supervision administrative and financial services; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required or ordered by the Director General.
  • Provides overall supervision of administrative services such as facilities maintenance, records keeping, supply inventory, collection and human resource management; and 
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Provides services on maintenance of CAAP buildings and grounds;
  • Provides utility services supportive of the maintenance operation;
  • Maintains and upkeeps CAAP motor vehicles and spare parts; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Handles the compilation and safekeeping of all records and documents;
  • Receives and disseminates and mails all correspondences and communications;
  • Authenticates official records and documents; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Responsible for the storage, control and distribution of supplies, materials and office equipment;
  • Maintains inventory of supplies and equipment and records of property accountabilities of all CAAP employees; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Coordinates and monitors all procurement activities of CAAP;
  • Assists in the consolidation of the Project Procurement Plan and the preparation of the Annual Procurement Plan;
  • Provides technical support and recommends the appropriate procurement method to the BAC;
  • Manages and monitors all phases of the procurement process;
  • Creates and maintains the price monitoring list and the registry of supplies, contractors and consultants;
  • Concurrently performs the functions of the BAC Secretariat; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Provides services relating to personnel policy and administration, development of personnel program which shall include selection and placement; training, promotion, transfer and other personnel transaction of CAAP;
  • Advises management on matters relating to Human Resource Management and Development;
  • Programs career employment and development;
  • Takes charge of all scholarships, meeting, training seminar and conferences, local and foreign;
  • Acts in all matters concerning attendance monitoring;
  • Generates payrolls for salary/claims and all benefits and reflects deductions accordingly and or put on hold such claims upon notice for stoppage or removal from the roster of employees;
  • Responsible for the Performance Evaluation System, merit Promotion Plan, Program on Awards and Incentives for Service Excellence and Grievance machinery;
  • Plans and researches on classification and pay, job description and matters that are included in the qualification standard; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Manage the financial activities in support of CAAP operations;
  • Provide the Management and the CAAP Board of financial reports and updates for decision-making;
  • Provide technical assistance in the formulation and implementation of long-term and short-term fiscal plans;
  • Undertake periodic review of the implementation of policies and guidelines to help formulate new policies and programs related to finance;
  • Prepare, keep, and control the agency’s fiscal programs including but not limited to the Annual Corporate Operating Budget, and supplemental budget;
  • Prepare Management comments on COA Audit Findings and Recommendations and other correspondences on financial matters;
  • Prepare, review, consolidate and submit budget estimates and budget justifications of the Authority;
  • Act as budget coordinator, issue budget guidelines, develop the budget calendar, coordinate meetings and improve budgetary methods and procedures;
  • Provide fund estimates in support of the agency operations, plans and programs;
  • Assist Management in the presentation of the agency’s budgetary estimates before administrative and legislative bodies;
  • Prepare Corporate Operating Budget and allocate and obligate funds therefor.
  • Allocate and obligate funds for approved Annual Procurement Plan;
  • Monitor budget utilization and prepare Status of Funds and Accomplishment Report on a monthly basis;
  • Recommend advice to enhance budgetary absorptive capacity of the Authority;
  • Develop and recommend budgetary policies and guidelines;
  • Certify budget allocation on expenditure items;
  • Fund all Personnel Services and third party claims.
  • Record and maintain books of accounts, general ledgers and subsidiary ledgers;
  • Prepare financial statements and reports for the use of the Agency and other government offices authorized to receive such reports;
  • Process all financial claims;
  • Manage Accounts Receivables and monitor account payables;
  • Prepare and remit mandatory contributions and submit required reports;
  • Certifies availability of funds;
  • Establish, Maintain and Upgrade automated Accounting System;
  • Perform other related functions.
  • Generate a cash forecast to determine the cash requirement and investment capability of the authority;
  • Manage the Authority’s working capital to ensure sufficient cash for the operational needs of the authority;
  • Advise the management on available investment opportunities and their potential return on investment and their risks;
  • Recommend risk management strategies and tactics to mitigate risks on the Authority’s investment;
  • Program the timing of cash releases to CAAP Area Centers and maintains appropriate cash liquidity level;
  • Perform other related functions.
  • Manages all the activities and personnel of FSIS;
  • Promotes civil aviation safety through proper implementation of regulations and conducts of prompt, sustained and consistent surveillance in accordance with ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices;
  • Certifies commercial air transport and general aviation operators, approved training organizations and approved maintenance organizations;
  • Issues airmen licenses to qualified applicants;
  • Harmonizes operating regulations and coordination among the various departments responsible for the implementation of national and international standards; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Maintains operating regulations, implementing standards and guidance materials;
  • Initiates, coordinates and monitors regulations development and amendment;
  • Provides and monitors the enforcement of Philippine Civil Aviation Regulations;
  • Implements civil aviation industry safety research and analysis;
  • Manages and maintains the Technical Library;
  • Records the collection of revenues/fees from sale of Manuals and Guidance Materials, issues certifications and other services performed for which charges may be prescribed; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Provides tracking, updating and documentation of the history of revisions and amendments to the regulatory reference materials;
  • Consolidates, assesses and coordinates comments on the proposed amendments to the ICAO Annexes;
  • Prepares responses to ICAO communications concerning ICAO Annexes;
  • Prepares differences with the ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices and coordinates with International/ICAC Office the filing of such;
  • Coordinates with other FSIS Departments and CAAP offices regarding proposals to formulate new regulations and/or amendments to the CAR, its Implementing Standards and Guidance Materials;
  • Ensures compliance to ICAO Annexes through recommendations for regulations development and issuance of appropriate circulars and directives;
  • Ensures that all regulatory reference materials in the Technical Library are current and up to date; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Collects, analyses and disseminates information necessary in civil aviation safety management decision making;
  • Cooperates, assists and coordinates with any research and technical agency of the government on matters relating to aviation safety;
  • Assesses FSIS’ conduct of its safety oversight function;
  • Maintains an aviation industry electronic database; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Maintains and manages the Technical Library of current Regulations, ICAO Documents, Guidance Materials and other reference materials;
  • Ensures the provision for distinct regulatory, general reference, e-library, records and research/reading sections or areas; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Drafts and recommends amendment of regulations relating to the training and licensing of airmen;
  • Assesses and approves applications for airmen licenses and ratings and the issue of airmen’s licenses and ratings to qualified applicants;
  • Validates licenses and ratings issued by other Contracting states;
  • Certifies and continues surveillance of approved aviation training organizations;
  • Records the collections of fees for examinations, flight or practical tests, issuance of licenses or ratings, issuance of certificates to Approved Training Organizations and other services performed for which charges may be prescribed;
  • Recommends approval or designation of and supervision of individuals or organizations delegated to perform specific tasks related to licensing of airmen; and 
  • Performs of other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Records, reviews and processes applications for pilot and non-pilot licenses, certificates and ratings;
  • Organizes and coordinates the conduct of examinations to applicants for pilot and non-pilot licenses, certificates and ratings, assessment of results and maintenance of examinations security;
  • Issues, renews, re-issues, validates, conversion or extension of licenses and ratings to qualified applicants;
  • Is responsible for the safe-keeping of past and current pilot and non-pilot licenses, certificates, extensions and ratings; and
  • Performs of other tasks that higher authorities may direct.
  • Evaluates flying schools’ flying training courses, maintenance schools’ aircraft engineering, maintenance and avionics technology training courses, programs, procedures, manuals, curricula, guidance materials, staff/personnel, and records keeping;
  • Inspects and approves training aircraft, synthetic flight trainer, training facilities, equipment, and materials;
  • Surveys of airports and training sites;
  • Monitors students flying and training activities and schools’ related operations;
  • Coordinates with CHED and TESDA regarding training curricula; and
  • Performs other tasks that higher authorities may direct.
  • Arranges and conducts proficiency checks of pilots/flight crew for pilot/flight crew licenses and ratings;
  • Arranges and conducts practical tests of non-pilots/non-flight crew and other ground personnel for appropriate licenses, certificates and ratings;
  • Assesses of the qualifications of military pilots in order to determine examination and proficiency check exemptions;
  • Investigates possible violations of the Civil Aviation Regulations in regard to licensing and initiation of legal or other corrective action where necessary;
  • Prepares and recommends regulatory changes and amendments to the Civil Aviation Regulations concerning all matters relating to the training and licensing of pilots/flight crew, non-pilots and other ground personnel; and
  • Performs other tasks that higher authorities may direct.
  • Drafts and recommends amendment of regulations relating to the airworthiness of aircraft;
  • Maintains National Registration System for civil aviation aircraft;
  • Certifies and continuously inspects and surveillance of certificated air operators on airworthiness aspects;
  • Issues, renews and validates the certificates of airworthiness;
  • Approves modifications and mandatory inspection;
  • Inspects and approves aircraft maintenance organizations;
  • Inspects and approves the maintenance aspect of an AOC;
  • Monitors and controls mandatory continuing airworthiness information;
  • Records the collection of fees for Aircraft Registration, Certificates of Airworthiness, Approve Maintenance and Design Organization Certificates, Type Validation Certificates, and/or any other airworthiness services performed for which charges may be prescribed;
  • Recommends the approval or designation of and supervision of individuals or organizations delegated to perform specific tasks related to airworthiness of aircraft; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Certifies the airworthiness of commercial air transport aircraft;
  • Certifies commercial air transport air operators;
  • Approves commercial air transport aircraft maintenance and design organizations; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Certifies the airworthiness of general aviation aircraft;
  • Certifies general aviation air operators;
  • Approves general aviation aircraft maintenance and design organizations; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Undertakes the registration and de-registration of aircraft in accordance with Philippine Civil Air Regulations;
  • Responsible for the continuous update of the national register of civil aircraft and making available information from the register as and when required;
  • Prepares Certificate of Registration, Air Agency Certificates and Airworthiness Certificates;
  • Records collection of fees for aircraft registration; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Assists in the implementation of SARP’s and procedures and monitoring of engineering work;
  • Evaluates engineering and airworthiness of new aircraft;
  • Evaluates modifications or repairs, either through acceptance of State of Design’s approval or by a specific national approval;
  • Conducts follow-up of type certificate mandatory continuing airworthiness information;
  • Provides technical advice on all aeronautical engineering matters affecting airworthiness;
  • Issues various approvals based on the assessment of aircraft, components, systems, power plants, instruments and equipment produced in the Philippines or of foreign manufactured aircraft intended to be placed in the register of the Philippines; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Drafts and recommends amendment of regulations relating to aircraft operations;
  • Conducts initial evaluation and inspection of AOC applicants;
  • Issues certification and continues surveillance of AOC holders;
  • Conducts flight checking and evaluation of flight crew and flight examiners;
  • Ensures aircraft cabin safety inspection and surveillance;
  • Performs certification and continued surveillance of General Aviation and Aerial Works operations;
  • Issues operational permits and/or specific authorizations (ETOPS, RNP, RVSM, AWOP, MNPS, RNAV, transport of dangerous goods);
  • Conducts inspection and surveillance of transport of dangerous goods by air;
  • Assists LCD in the inspection, certification and continued surveillance of ATO’s, when required;
  • Records the collection of fees for Air Operator Certificates and/or any other flight operations services performed for which charges may be prescribed;
  • Conducts regulatory compliance of the aviation industry and assistance in the enforcement process, when required;
  • Recommends approval or designation of and supervision of individuals or organizations delegated to perform specific tasks related to operation of aircraft; and 
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Undertakes certification and continued surveillance of Commercial Air Transport operations;
  • Performs aircraft cabin safety inspection and surveillance;
  • Issues operational permits and/or authorizations; Initial inspection and evaluation of air operator certificate applications;
  • Inspects, issues, and maintains air operator certificates; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Certifies and conducts continued surveillance of general aviation operations;
  • Issues operational permits and/or authorizations;
  • Inspects and evaluates air operator aircraft registration and airworthiness applications;
  • Issues certification and conducts surveillance of all air operators aviation personnel;
  • Maintains air operator aircraft registration and airworthiness certificates; and
  • Performs other tasks that higher authorities may direct.
  • Issues operational permits and/or authorizations;
  • Inspects and performs surveillance of the conduct of operational control of AOC holders;
  • Inspects and conducts surveillance of aerial works and aviation events operators;
  • Inspects and conducts surveillance of the transport of dangerous goods by air; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Determines the medical fitness of airmen license applicants;
  • Issues airmen medical certificate to qualified applicants;
  • Manages the Flight Surgeon Rating and Designated Aviation Medical examiner Program;
  • Participates in the conduct of aircraft accident/incident investigation;
  • Participates in the conduct of search and rescue (SAR), when required;
  • Provides medical services for organic personnel of the CAAP; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Develops and designs written examinations of airmen;
  • Participates in skills surveillance and control of airmen;
  • Administers written examinations for airmen; and
  • Performs other functions that higher authorities may direct.
  • Provides and manages Air Traffic Services in accordance with established national and ICAO standards and recommended practices;
  • Administers and implements operational plans, projects and programs;
  • Establishes and ensures optimum utilization of controlled and navigable airspace within the Manila Flight Information Region;
  • Develops and formulates ATS policies, rules, regulations, procedures, and standards;
  • Plans and implements ATS infrastructure projects;
  • Provides training program and career development to ATS personnel;
  • Coordinates with international organization, stakeholders and higher management on the development of new facilities, procedures and standards appropriate to the evolving technology;
  • Conducts periodic evaluation of ATS operations and subsequently, plans and organizes its improvements;
  • Maintains discipline, efficiency and proper deportment of ATS personnel;
  • Investigates complaints and operational irregularities within the ATS;
  • Institutes required changes in personnel, equipment, communications, space and operating positions;
  • Provides representation regarding the selection and promotion of personnel;
  • Makes recommendations regarding the evaluation, development and research of new systems and equipment;
  • Prepares the annual ATS budget programs;
  • Ensures close liaison with users of the ATS;
  • Ensures efficient and effective utilization of equipment associated with the airways system and provision of ATS; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the Director General.
  • Formulates medium and long term Plan relative to the Next Generation System in coordination with stakeholders;
  • Plans the shift/transition from current to newer/improved technology;
  • Controls and manages ATS funds and properties;
  • Analyzes management problems and provides solutions;
  • Monitors and provides logistical support for ATS general and operational requirements;
  • Develops, revises and implements training programs;
  • Plans, develops and implements projects for ATS;
  • Evaluates existing facility and procedure based on ICAO standards;
  • Programs improvements recommended by SMS to support ATC and AMD and the AICD;
  • Collates, analyzes and transforms statistics into useful information;
  • Conducts research and system analysis on all ATS facilities;
  • Resolves all deficiencies relative to equipment;
  • Plans the development and maintenance of ATS facilities;
  • Programs the provision of electronic communications and other ATS equipment;
  • Assesses the quality and performance of ATS equipment;
  • Arranges for flight surveillance of ATS procedures, airways system, air traffic management specialist performance and the adequacy of air-ground communications;
  • Makes recommendations regarding the evaluation, development and research of new systems and equipment;
  • Analyzes Planning, Evaluation, Standards and Personnel Development Department management problems and provide solutions; and
  • Performs such other related functions as may be required by the management.
  • Programs the provision of electronic communications and other ATS equipment;
  • Evaluates and formulates new systems and standards;
  • Develops installation plans to ensure optimum use of equipment;
  • Coordinates with other agencies regarding communications and equipment;
  • Develops regional ATS space requirements, plans and layouts;
  • Ensures that adequate equipment and supplies are available to units;
  • Checks the quality of performance and reliability of equipment in use in ATS;
  • Develops and implements all ATS projects;
  • Develops and maintains ATS facilities in coordination with all ATS departments;
  • Analyzes ATS Evaluation, Standards and Project Development, Maintenance and Implementation Division management problems and provide solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Implements all aspects of the ATMS training programs;
  • Coordinates the selection of personnel for training;
  • Coordinates licensing program and develops required procedures;
  • Recommends action regarding employees who fail to acquire or to maintain the necessary proficiency;
  • Evaluates progress and potential of trainees;
  • Develops and revises training program to satisfy ATS requirements in relation to recruitment, facility rating, proficiency, refresher, career progression, etc.;
  • Monitors and evaluates the implementation of training programs;
  • Provides training aids and material required for facility rating, proficiency, refresher an career progression;
  • Liaises and familiarizes with all ATS Departments/Divisions;
  • Coordinates with other branches, as required;
  • Where adopted as policy, arranges familiarization flights and inter-unit liaison visits;
  • Analyzes Personnel Training, Proficiency and Progression Division management problems and provide solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Ensures the continuous flow of aeronautical information necessary for the safety, regularity and efficiency of air navigation;
  • Operates and maintains aeronautical information and communication facilities nationwide;
  • Ensures the uniformity and consistency in the provision of aeronautical information that is required for the operational use by computer-based navigation system;
  • Oversees the administration of Aeronautical Information service to aerodrome units;
  • Coordinates with foreign AIS, other aviation sectors and related agencies for the required global dissemination and exchange of aeronautical information/data;
  • Recommends Human Resource Development training requirements;
  • Performs administrative functions over personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Supervises and manages National and International Aeronautical Telecommunications, flight information and assistance services nationwide;
  • Coordinates and reports investigation of aircraft accidents/incidents within its area;
  • Controls and manages aeronautical frequency band allocation and utilization to ATC/COMs, Navigational aid facilities including private aeronautical stations;
  • Implements and updates communication plans and programs;
  • Resolves all deficiencies relative to procedures and policies;
  • Analyzes AICD management problems and provide solutions;
  • Ensures that all units operate in accordance with approved policies, standards and procedures; and
  • Performs such other related functions as may be required by the management.
  • Provides aeronautical fixed service and aeronautical mobile service/data link communications to international and national air navigation;
  • Manages and controls aeronautical frequency band allocation to ATS facilities, radio navigation aids, and private aeronautical stations;
  • Coordinates with the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) the global management of 3-letter and telephony designators of aircraft operators in the Philippines;
  • Provides flight information service and alerting service to international and national air navigation;
  • Performs administrative functions over personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Recommends requirements for human resource development;
  • Investigates complaints and/or reports of operational irregularities or accidents/incidents;
  • Assesses and recommends changes in personnel, equipment, space, and operating positions;
  • Instills discipline and proper deportment among its personnel;
  • Analyzes Aeronautical Telecommunications Division’s (ATD) management problems and provide solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Manages and controls aeronautical information/data concerning the entire territory of the State as well as areas in which the State is responsible for air traffic services outside its territory;
  • Addresses all elements of the Integrated Aeronautical Information Package originated by other States;
  • Ensures promulgation of Notice to Airmen (NOTAMs) is efficiently handled;
  • Establishes direct contact with other AIS providers;
  • Manages and operates the Aeronautical Information Publication (AIP)/MAP, NOTAM Office (NOF), and briefing offices;
  • Maintains a properly organized quality system containing procedures, processes and resources;
  • Applies copyright protection to all AIS/MAP products;
  • Provides and maintains an automated AIS;
  • Ensures the use of common reference systems for air navigation in the provision of aeronautical information;
  • Performs administrative functions over personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Recommends requirements for human resource development;
  • Investigates complaints and/or reports of operational irregularities or accidents/incidents;
  • Assesses and recommends changes in personnel, equipment, space, and operating positions;
  • Instills discipline and proper deportment among its personnel;
  • Analyzes Aeronautical Information Service/MAP’s (AIS/MAP) management problems and provide solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Supervises and manages air traffic control services provided within the Philippine airspace and all controlled airports to ensure safe, orderly and expeditious conduct of air traffic;
  • Operates and maintains air traffic control and airspace management facilities nationwide;
  • Assists in the investigations of aircraft accidents/incidents and performs safety monitoring of the operations of ATC facilities;
  • Implements and updates air traffic control plans and programs;
  • Maintains liaison with other aviation sectors and related agencies;
  • Recommends Human Resource Development training requirements;
  • Performs administrative functions over personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Plans and organizes the most effective use of the Philippine airspace and air traffic flow within the area of responsibility;
  • Exploits/utilizes effectively the airspace and associated equipment in accordance with the legitimate requirements of the various airspace user;
  • Represents the country in international talks on matters of airspace utilization;
  • Ensures that the total traffic at any given point in any given area is balance with the capacity of the air traffic control system;
  • Resolves simultaneous user demands/schedules in relation to air traffic control services;
  • Researches, evaluates, and develops new systems and equipment that will maximize airspace capacity;
  • Resolves all deficiencies relative to procedures and policies;
  • Analyzes Air Traffic Control and Airspace Management Department management problems and provide solutions;
  • Ensures that all units operate in accordance with approved policies, standards and procedures;
  • Develops and formulates air traffic control and airspace management procedures and standards; and
  • Performs such other related functions as may be required by the management.
  • Plans, organizes and optimizes the ATS airspace and its associated procedures;
  • Updates airspace and flight procedures plans and programs;
  • Standardizes training curriculum for airspace and flight procedure design;
  • Maintains liaison with airports and other ATS/CAAP units;
  • Ensures all airspace and flight procedure design equipment and publications are available and properly maintained;
  • Participates in the modernization planning of airspace and flight procedures;
  • Participates in the formulation of contingency plans for ATS facilities;
  • Analyzes airspace management and flight procedure design problems and provide solutions;
  • Develops regional ATC airspace requirements, plans and layouts in conjunction with international agreements;
  • Participates in the flight validation of procedure design and airways system;
  • Performs obstruction and airspace evaluation for the issuance of height and airspace clearance permits;
  • Assesses reports and complaints regarding procedures and recommend revision/amendments if necessary;
  • Participates in the building up of airports night capabilities;
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Supervises and manages the operations of the en route control facilities of the ATS;
  • Updates en route air traffic control plans and programs;
  • Coordinates and reports investigation of aircraft accidents/incidents within its area;
  • Standardizes facility rating procedures and examinations for en route ATC facilities and recommends ACC training requirements;
  • Maintains liaison with other ATS and CAAP units and document all letters of agreement;
  • Provides administrative services to personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Ensures that all necessary technical equipment, publications and facilities are available and properly maintained;
  • Maintains records and submit reports on personnel, traffic activity and other phases of ATC operations as required;
  • Coordinates with adjacent countries on matters of airspace utilization and provision of regional air traffic service;
  • Participates in the modernization planning of en route facilities;
  • Formulates contingency plans for en route facilities;
  • Analyzes en route control and airspace management problems and provide solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Supervises and manages the operations of the approach control facilities of the ATS;
  • Updates approach air traffic control plans and programs;
  • Coordinates and reports investigation of aircraft accidents/incidents within its area;
  • Standardizes facility rating procedures and examinations for approach ATC facilities and recommends approach training requirements;
  • Maintains liaison with other ATS and CAAP units and documents all letters of agreement;
  • Provides administrative services to personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Ensures that all necessary technical equipment, publications and facilities are available and properly maintained;
  • Maintains records and submits reports on personnel, traffic activity and other phases of ATC operations as required;
  • Optimizes airspace utilization of terminal control areas;
  • Participate in the modernization planning of approach facilities;
  • Formulates contingency plans for approach facilities;
  • Analyzes approach control management problems and provides solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Supervises and manages the operations of the aerodrome control facilities of the ATS;
  • Updates aerodrome air traffic control plans and programs;
  • Coordinates and reports investigation of aircraft accidents/incidents within its area;
  • Standardizes facility rating procedures and examinations for aerodrome ATC facilities and recommend approach training requirements;
  • Maintains liaison with airport authorities, other ATS and CAAP units and document all letters of agreement;
  • Provides administrative services to personnel under its jurisdiction;
  • Ensures that all necessary technical equipment, publications and facilities are available and properly maintained;
  • Maintains records and submit reports on personnel, traffic activity and other phases of ATC operations as required;
  • Optimizes airspace utilization of aerodrome control areas;
  • Participates in the modernization planning of aerodrome facilities;
  • Formulates contingency plans for aerodrome facilities;
  • Analyzes aerodrome control management problems and provides solutions; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Administers and implements operational plans, programs in conformance with ICAO Annexes and SARPs;
  • Formulates safety management systems, policies and procedures in conformance with ICAO Annexes and SARPs;
  • Develops technical competency of CNS Systems Specialist and Airfield Lighting and Power Technician personnel;
  • Establishes air navigation facilities nationwide;
  • Determines the operational and developmental requirement of air navigational facilities, in coordination with the Air Traffic Service for inclusion in the ANF Maintenance and/or Infrastructure Program of the CAAP;
  • Gathers engineering data and site survey for the improvement and establishment of air navigation facilities;
  • Develops and implements a system of projects, post evaluation and prioritization for the assessment of ANF plans and investment programs;
  • Operates and maintains air navigation facilities;
  • Provides technical and material requirements of air navigation facilities;
  • Implements ANS regulations, policies, standard operational procedures for ANS;
  • Inspects and evaluates air navigation facilities;
  • Conducts flight inspection and evaluation of air navigation facilities in compliance with the ICAO regulations and requirements; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the Director General.
  • Prepares programs, plans, feasibility studies and systems design of projects related to the establishment and/or improvement of air navigation facilities; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Prepares plans, programs, and design related to Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Meteorological systems for both Infrastructure and Maintenance projects of ANS;
  • Performs the preparation of program of works/cost estimates for CNS/MET projects as required;
  • Conducts engineering surveys of ANF prior to preparation of ANF plans, programs and design;
  • Allocates appropriate aeronautical frequencies of ANF equipment in coordination with other Service/Division; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Prepares plans, programs, and design related to Airfield Lighting Systems and Power Systems for both Infrastructure and Maintenance projects of ANS;
  • Performs the preparation of program of works/cost estimates for Airfield Lighting Systems and Power Systems projects as required;
  • Conducts engineering surveys of ANF prior to preparation of ANF plans, programs and design; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Executes approved plans and designs as prepared by the Air Navigation Planning and Design Department for the establishment and/or improvement of air navigation facilities; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Implements plans, programs and design related to Communication, Navigation, Surveillance and Meteorological systems for both Infrastructure and Maintenance projects of ANS;
  • Conducts project supervision of CNS/MET related projects;
  • Ensures, prior to commissioning, that the performance and operation of newly installed CNS/MET equipment meet the requirements of ICAO;
  • Coordinates with other departments in relation to the flight checking and commissioning of a CNS/MET system; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Supervises and implements, in accordance with approved Engineering Practices and Procedures of the National and Philippine Electrical Code and in compliance with International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) Standards, the installation, modernization and improvement of airfield lighting and power supply systems of ANF;
  • Ensures, prior to commissioning, that the performance and operation of newly installed electro/mechanical equipment meet the requirements of ICAO; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Formulates and implements standard procedures, regulation, evaluation and inspection of air navigation facilities;
  • Implements safety management systems policy and standards as necessary; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Ensures that the air navigation systems and facilities are assessed with respect to their continued compliance with national regulations and ICAO standards;
  • Develops safety directives, policies plans, procedures, operating instructions, checklists, and performance standards;
  • Investigates major system equipment and facility breakdown and prepares required report;
  • Conducts safety studies, and the identification of and the communication of information relating to safety deficiencies;
  • Evaluates technical specifications for the acquisition and installation of air navigation facilities; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Implements and enforces air navigation policies, regulations, standards and procedures dealing with the provision of air navigation services safety to meet the Manila FIR’s infrastructure changing needs;
  • Performs periodic inspection of air navigation facilities and identifies hazard affecting safety, fire, or security;
  • Identifies equipment and facility condition requiring maintenance, repair rehabilitation or replacement/upgrading;
  • Reviews monthly and annual air navigation facility reports and statistical data and identifies exception or trends that require management attention;
  • Participates in the review of acceptance test documents and in the conduct of factory test, site acceptance test and commissioning test on newly acquired/installed system equipment and/or air navigation facility; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Responsible for the functional operation and maintenance of Communications, Navigations and Surveillance system components including Meteorological, Airfield Lighting and Power Systems; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conducts daily monitoring of the operational status of CNS and MET equipment, and analyzes monthly reports of ANF’s;
  • Conducts regular maintenance inspection of CNS and MET equipment to verify reports of its operational status including ancillary devices and makes correction/s, if necessary;
  • Supervises the conduct of routine and non-routine maintenance programs and repairs facility equipment to attain the required operating performance;
  • Coordinates the pre-flight checking of CNS facilities and participates in the conduct of flight check;
  • Supervises major repair of CNS and MET equipment;
  • Determines the training requirements of personnel to update their technical skills to keep abreast with new developments in air navigation system technology; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conduct daily monitoring of the operational status of airfield lighting facilities and power supply systems, and analyzes monthly reports of ANF’s;
  • Conducts regular maintenance inspection of airfield lighting and power supply system to verify reports of its operational status including ancillary devices and makes correction/s, if necessary;
  • Supervises the conduct of routine and non-routine maintenance programs and repairs facility equipment to attain the required operating performance;
  • Coordinates the pre-flight checking of airfield lighting system and participates in the conduct of flight checks;
  • Supervises major repair of airfield lighting and power supply system of ANF’s;
  • Determines the training requirements of personnel to update their technical skills to keep abreast with new developments in airfield lighting and power supply system technology; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Performs major repair of CNS, MET equipment, airfield lighting and power supply system;
  • Performs the rehabilitation and/or fabrication of equipment, accessories and modifies circuits, when necessary, to serve the operational demands of facility end-users;
  • Performs the periodic calibration of test and measuring equipment in accordance with the established standards;
  • Provides technical and material assistance to air navigation facilities and project implementation;
  • Maintains sufficient stock of spare parts for immediate issuance to ANF when the need arises;
  • Oversees research and development for local fabrication to ANF equipment; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Monitors, collects, evaluates and reports all CAAP personnel violating any implementing rules and regulations, official directive and memorandum to all its offices, structures and facilities nationwide;
  • Formulates policies that would strengthen its information collection effort to counter possible domestic and foreign threat to pre-empt ant unlawful interference against civil aviation and ensure safety of the riding public;
  • Assists the Director General on matters of security through the preparation of intelligence estimates, special studies, and other management information materials;
  • Assists the Director General in providing information that will strengthen counter measures for the protection of passengers, cargoes, aircraft, airport equipment, structures, facilities, personnel funds and documents;
  • Initiates counter measures that will deny access to movement and information from people who has intention of unlawful interference; and 
  • Submits regular intelligence reports to the Director General for the effective implementation of rules and regulations promulgated by the Board.
  • Formulates policies and procedures concerning security and personnel, passengers, cargoes, aircraft, airport equipment, structures, facilities, funds and classified documents of the CAAP;
  • Formulates regulations for the control of entry, exit, from and movement of all vehicles, people to include CAAP personnel within its offices, facilities, and aerodromes nationwide;
  • Formulates policies, procedures and regulations for the effective supervision of private security agencies operating within the airport;
  • Maintains peace and order within the CAAP offices, Air Navigation Facilities and Aerodromes in coordination with local police authorities and other authorized peace-keeping entities;
  • Formulates policies on educational development to improve and enhance the skills of all the security personnel beneficial for their own career development;
  • Formulates regulations that will continuously strengthen the effective implementation of the Airport Security Program (ASP) for all national airports managed and operated by the CAAP pursuant to National Civil Aviation Security Program (NCASP);
  • Implements rules and regulations issued pursuant to the provisions of the CAAP charter related to aviation security and to conduct investigations for violations thereof;
  • Provides technical assistance in the conduct of security services bidding and administration of security services contract and other related matters; and
  • Undertakes other security activities as may be directed by the Director General.
  • Oversees the Aerodrome Development and Management Service operations;
  • Monitors and evaluates airport maintenance and development projects as to compliance to approved plans and specifications;
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the Director General.
  • Identifies the current and future requirements of each airport in the national Airport System and prepares corresponding budgetary costing for airport maintenance;
  • Recommends priority projects for airport maintenance and development;
  • Initiates the conduct of master Planning Study in order to determine the medium and long term airport requirements including the identification of new airport development;
  • Conducts survey works relative to improvement and maintenance, development and construction, airport properties and facilities and airport operations;
  • Prepares detailed engineering of all airport maintenance and development projects;
  • Conducts inspection and regular monitoring of all airports; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Identifies the current and future requirements of each airport in the national Airport System and prepares corresponding budgetary costing for airport maintenance;
  • Recommends priority projects for airport maintenance and development;
  • Initiates the conduct of master Planning Study in order to determine the medium and long term airport requirements including the identification of new airport development; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conducts survey works relative to improvement and maintenance, development and construction, airport properties and facilities and airport operations; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Prepares detailed engineering of all airport maintenance and development projects;
  • Conduct inspection and regular monitoring of all airports; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Implements and supervises airport infrastructure projects;
  • Implements and supervises the repair and maintenance projects of all national airports requiring technical expertise not available within the Area Center; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conducts aeronautical evaluation for height limitation of all existing and proposed structures in coordination with other concerned CAAP services;
  • Prepares/updates airport information and particulars;
  • Establishes and applies supplemental Standards and Procedures unavailable under Annex 14;
  • Establishes, updates and monitors Aerodrome manuals including Airport Emergency and Preparedness Program;
  • Conducts training for Aerodrome Rescue and Fire Fighting personnel;
  • Conducts inspection and regular monitoring of all airports;
  • Monitors and updates ARFF capabilities of all National airports; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Implements and supervise the repair and maintenance projects of all National airports requiring technical expertise not available within the Area Center; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conducts aeronautical evaluation for height limitation of all existing and proposed structures in coordination with other concerned CAAP services;
  • Prepares/updates airport information and particulars;
  • Establishes and applies supplemental Standards and Procedures unavailable under Annex 14;
  • Establishes, updates and monitors Aerodrome manuals including Airport Emergency and Preparedness Program;
  • Conducts inspection and regular monitoring of all airports;
  • Implements and supervises the repair and maintenance projects of all National airports requiring technical expertise not available within the Area Center;
  • Monitors and updates ARFF capabilities of all National airports; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Provides adequate legal assistance and support to the Director General and to the Authority, as a whole, in the exercise of quasi-legislative and quasi-judicial powers as provided in RA 9497;
  • Determines and recommends to the Director General as to exercise its function to issue subpoena ad testificandum, subpoena duces tecum and the imposition of any administrative sanction; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Enforces provision of the rules and regulations implementing RA 9497;
  • Exercises general supervision over the administrative, technical and operational functions of the various civil aviation offices;
  • Issues, denies, suspends, cancels or revokes any certificates and licenses in relation to the regulatory function of CAAP; and
  • Performs such other related functions as may be required by the Board.
  • Advises the CAAP Board on matters relating to management control and operations audit.
  • Conducts management and operations performance audit of CAAP activities and their units and determines the degree of compliance with their mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and procedures/processes and contractual obligations;
  • Reviews and appraises systems and procedures/processes, organizational structure, reports and performance standards of CAAP;
  • Performs such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated by the Director General or the Governing Board, thru the Audit Committee, or as may be required by law.
  • Advises the CAAP Board on matters relating to financial control.
  • Conducts management and operations performance audit of CAAP activities and their units and determine the degree of compliance with their mandate, policies, government regulations, established objectives, systems and procedures/processes and contractual obligations;
  • Reviews and appraises systems and procedures/processes, assets management practices, financial and management records of CAAP; and
  • Performs such other related duties and responsibilities as may be assigned or delegated by the Director General or the Governing Board, thru the Audit Committee, or as may be required by law.
  • Provides civil aviation training to all the personnel of the Authority to ensure the proper performance of all its authorized functions;
  • Provides civil aviation training to:
  • Prospective CAAP technical employees who passed entrance requirements,
  • Other governmental personnel,
  • Personnel of foreign governments, and
  • Personnel or prospective personnel of the aeronautical industry
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conducts researches, prepares the CAAP’s annual report, produces and writes news releases, leaflets, posters, brochures, advertisements; maintains a library and a website; and develops a databank and retrieval system;
  • Assumes a proactive approach in promoting CAAP’s corporate structure, its major achievements and other significant developments by providing publicity assistance to CAAP units;
  • Ensures truthfulness and consistency of messages through messages which are properly dished out, received and understood by the public through the media;
  • Exercise proper discipline and restraints on releases or disclosures to media of any information regarding investigation of aircraft accidents;
  • Sets up and maintains its own media network, exclusively produce materials and ensure publication of press statements and news releases to both print and broadcast media while avoiding possible duplication of functions and responsibilities with existing media efforts;
  • Ensures that only DG or his delegated official or spokesperson appear in press conferences to prevent unauthorized or irresponsible statement that may be fed to media and cause bad publicity; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the Director General.
  • Processes all communications, to ICAO and related civil aviation activities;
  • Monitors the development of ICAO standards and recommended practices and advises the Director General and line Division Chiefs relative to the possible application of these standards and recommended practices for national implementation;
  • Recommends/notifies/determines the requirements for the ratification of air law instruments and protocols of ICAO to the concerned Offices;
  • Formulates policies for the planning and implementation of a comprehensive program for the efficient preservation and handling of all aviation publications;
  • Provides support to the Office of United Nations International Organizations (UNIO) of the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) on matters relating to civil aviation;
  • Coordinates/assists in the implementation of ICAO and other civil aviation organizations assistance projects being implemented in the Philippines;
  • Ensures amendments and recommends practices issued by the ICAO are entered into the respective annexes, documents and other related publications;
  • Consolidates reports and recommendations on the status of national regulations and practices vis-à-vis the related provisions of the Annexes to the Convention on International Civil Aviation Organization;
  • Coordinates with other ICAO Contracting States in relation to the implementation of ICAO Regional and Global Plans;
  • As necessary or required, acts as member of the Philippine delegation to international meetings and conferences;
  • Plans, manages, and supervises all facilitation activities related to reception of international civil aviation officials and other foreign guests who are on official mission to the CAAP;
  • Provides assistance when the Philippines hosts meetings on civil aviation, of international organizations;
  • Drafts/prepares Philippines position papers and discussion papers required by the organizers of international meetings and conferences of international civil aviation bodies, in consultation with the other units;
  • Acts as liaison with other non-government aviation agencies and organizations in the dissemination/collection of request for relevant information/statistics/datum;
  • Handles notification of participants to ICAO and other aviation organization meetings, conferences, seminars, trainings, workshops and scholarships; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Organizes, conducts and controls civil aircraft accident investigation within the Philippine territory;
  • Participates in the investigation of accidents involving aircraft registered in the Philippines occurring in the territory of foreign country;
  • Makes inquiries, conducts hearing, and/or investigates civil aircraft accidents;
  • Accredits appointed representative to the conduct of investigation in accordance with ICAO Annex 13; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Assesses and oversees the management of important ANS and Aerodrome aviation safety issues;
  • Leads in the implementation of the CAAP’s Safety Program;
  • Provides assistance to all organizations in the process of hazard identification, risk management and resolution of critical safety issues;
  • Establishes policies regarding management of safety issues in the CAAP;
  • Prepares safety alerts on important, and often emerging aviation safety issues and update their status, as appropriate;
  • Tracks important emerging safety issues and ensures that they are resolved in a timely manner; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Performs flight inspection of CNS systems;
  • Certifies the integrity of navigational signal-in-space;
  • Validates the operational safety of instrument procedures;
  • Verifies and evaluates topographic and obstruction data; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.

The CAAP Operations Center (OpCen) is a technical facility through which the CAAP Director General (DG) can provide 24/7 centralized command to all CAAP operations facilities (CAAP AO 99-2021, dated 22 June 2021). Manned by technical personnel, the Facility serves as the sensors and actuators that transform operations data into information that the DG can use when making essential decisions on operations matter. CAAP OpCen functions as the Authority’s alerting, monitoring and coordination center of:

  • operations
  • communications
  • response to and reporting of aircraft / airport incidents
  • response to and reporting of natural and man-made emergencies and disasters
  • Develops and recommends policies;
  • Formulates strategic plans to better achieve CAAP mandates and objectives; and
  • Performs such other related functions as may be required by the DG.
  • Develops and formulates periodic medium and long-term development plans to guide CAAP;
  • Continuously develops and formulates policies and guidelines for implementation of the approved strategic plans;
  • Develops a system of reporting and monitoring of CAAP implementation activities as feedback mechanisms to evaluate effectiveness;
  • Explores continuous possibilities of improvement for integration into CAAP plans and policies; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.
  • Conducts studies for proposed projects to determine their feasibility and ensure that any possible CAAP investments would be financially sound;
  • Conducts continuing studies and researches to explore possible revenue enhancing activities or projects; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management
  • Takes full control and safe keeping of all the physical assets of CAAP for proper management and conservation in conformity with its charter and the applicable laws, rules and regulations as may be required of such a corporate entity;
  • Analyzes and evaluates proposed projects business ventures and or investments requiring the use of CAAP assets to determine and rationalize costs, benefits and viability for the advice and guidance of CAAP management;
  • Keeps track of and makes periodic reports and projections of status and prospects of CAAP asset utilization and management practices; and
  • Undertakes such studies, researches and other related activities as may be required or ordered by the Director General.
  • Develops, installs and administers an agency-wide management information system;
  • Assesses and evaluates IT and MIS proposals;
  • Provides advice and assistance in IT related matters to other CAAP units; and
  • Performs such other functions as may be required by the management.