CAAP Press Release

01 March 2024

Misamis Oriental – The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines Area X welcomes the delivery of 100 newly procured trolleys at Laguindingan Airport yesterday, February 29.

These trolleys are now available for the convenience of the passengers at the airport.

This will add to the previous count of only 70 trolleys in Laguindingan, bringing the total to 170.

Airport Manager Job De Jesus emphasizes the importance of this delivery “The availability of these trolleys comes as a great relief, as there were previously fewer than 70 trolleys available. This shortage has resulted in several complaints from our 6,000 daily passengers.”

Laguindingan Airport serves approximately 28 flights per day, accommodating up to 680 arriving and departing passengers simultaneously. This makes the additional trolleys a significant convenience, especially for handling heavy luggage.