Media Advisory

17 November 2023

The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) reported the status of its airports located near the magnitude 6.8 earthquake in Davao Occidental which occurred at 04:14 PM today, 17 November 2023.

Per General Santos Airport Manager Joel Gavina, the terminal building of General Santos Airport sustained some minor damages. Hairline cracks were noted on some of the airport’s columns. The airport’s control tower was able to facilitate the departure of two commercial flights. Fortunately, all passengers and employees are safe and accounted for. No injuries were reported.

Meanwhile, Davao International Airport, Cotabato Airport, and Mati Airport reported no damages in its facilities as reported by Davao Airport Area Manager Engr. Rex Obcena to CAAP Director General Capt. Manuel Antonio Tamayo.

According to the Philippine Institute of Volcanology and Seismology (PHIVOLCS), a magnitude 6.8 earthquake struck Davao Occidental and other parts of Mindanao this afternoon. Sarangani was also affected by the quake. CAAP Operations Center and Airport Safety Officers, as well as airport engineers are continuously monitoring the status of the airports in view of possible aftershocks.